I know hcg takes a little longer to double in the first tri just not sure if I'm there yet... 5+5 levels were 11,369 and then about 39 hours later it rose to 17,161. Is this normal for less than 48 hours??

Jess • 👼🏻👼🏻 + 🤱🏼🌈 + 🤰🏼#2

I need thoughts, hcg was 11,396 at 5 weeks 5 days at like 7pm when we drew then about 39 hours later we drew at 6 weeks at 9:30 am and it rose to 17,161 is that a normal increase for less than 48 hours ?

I know hcg eventually slows down the further you get and it takes longer to double im just not sure if I'm there yet?

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