MIL insists on naming MY baby Isabella


So I'm due in 8w+6, and my MIL continuously calls my unborn daughter Isabella. Me and my bf havent figured out a name 100%. But we are stuck on the name Sapphira. She dislikes it, so therefore she keeps calling the baby Isabella.

I hate the name Isabella and so does my bf. Even after we have told her we DO NOT like the name. She will call and ask how is Isabella?! Ughhh so annoying. She did this with my other daughter as well, when we decided on the name Amaya. She tried to convince us that her name was on the news channel where the stocks go by on the bottom of the screen. But she was wrong. We named her amaya anyways. I feel like naming this one sapphira jus to spite her hahaha. She also thinks I MUST put it in the name Raquel because that is my bfs grandma's name and cousins name. Dammit... it's my child and I will name her what I want. Is it only me who deals with MIL's who are so friggin pushy?!