Just condoms?

I am French and in France to see a doctor is free.

But I study in uk and a year ago I saw my doctor (in france) and she gave me the pill for the first time.

Then I came to uk and I realized this pill was not for me, not suitable to my body. So I stopped taking it and since I was single it was not a problem😅

Now I met a guy and I want to have sex with him then I want to take the pill again but another one.

For Christmas I'm back in France and I wanted to see my doctor but she's not available till March 😭

I don't mind not taking the pill but...Just a bit afraid with using condoms only...also I still have my former pills, could they be off?? Should i still take them although they're not really good for my body?Anyone can relate and tell me if it's really enough and safe to use condoms only??