Just Not Meant to Be...


We lost our baby on Thursday and I’ve never felt heartbreak like this before. This was my first pregnancy and we had just announced to his parents and my stepson on Christmas, everyone was so excited. Now I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and a part of me is missing. I held our baby in my hand after it happened, I was alone in the bathroom at work, and I’ll never forget that. My stepson went with me to urgent care that night since my fiancé was almost a two hour drive away from us at work. Even though I prayed this would never happen, the experience brought my stepson and I closer together so for that I’m grateful. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all and hoping the hurt will subside sooner than later.

I wish healthy, happy pregnancies to all of you and hopefully the next one will be our sticky bean.