Period talk... what’s going on?

Nashia • Hoping to grow my family... Live your best life with love, family and growth❤️❤️

So for the past few months to me ive been having pregnancy scares... AF has been coming 3days late almost every period and then last time it came a day early..

I’m just concerned about my body and AF. I’m not used to this and I get paranoid every time it’s late...

At this moment it says AF is due in 2 days. If it comes on time I’ll be very happy seeing this late stuff is new to me is my cycle off? Has anyone else gone thru this??

I’m not on any birth control and I’m in my late 20’s... if this info helps

Iplease help me with info on this situation. Thank you all Ladies ❤️❤️

Also babydust and good luck for the beautiful women that are trying to conceive 😊😊😊😊