Stabbing Sorta Pain during Penetration


So. Last night I met up w a guy that I've been sleeping with for years but hadn't seen in awhile. We had sex, as was the plan. His forplay game was peak, as usual. I had already come once from fingering and oral stuff. And all was going great. Plus, we used lube. So like lubrication isn't likely to have been the problem. But when he penetrated me with his penis I felt this really awful pain. I felt it around the same area where I would get menstrual cramps (like closer to the front and sides of my uteran wall, but also a bit deeper in the vagina pevis-y cervix-ish kinda gut thing???) and it was a similar pain, just a bit more intense (probably because of the thrusting.) I think what he was hitting was probably my cervix. But, that's never bothered me during sex before... We tried multiple positions, different angles, more lube, more foreplay...stuff that I usually fucking love and it still hurt. Certain positions hurt less so we found one where I managed to orgasm but now I'm really worried.

I do have a Skyla IUD that's been in for a little over two years.

When he fingered me, he did manage to get them in there a lot deeper than usual. So I'm wondering if maybe it was deep enough to have messed with my IUD? Like maybe his fingers caught the string and tugged it a bit without noticing? Is that possible??

When I got home, I checked for the string and I can still feel it. But maybe it's gotten shorter or longer, I have no idea.

Or, maybe his fingers scratched or irritated something? Because, it definitely didn't hurt at all when his fingers were hitting my deep insides and cervix.

Since the sex, I've been noticing that my discharge has been a bit thinner in consistency than usual. This has happened before with no other symptoms but it's rare. I don't know if this is happening as a consequence of last night or if its preexisting and I'm only noticing it now because I'm paying attention.

I've scheduled to see my gyno but because of the holiday, they won't see me until Wednesday 🙄

Fingers super crossed its just a yeast infection 🤞🤞🤞 but is this sounding familiar to anyone? Any guesses or guidance? I wanna spend new years <a href="">eve</a> getting dicked down, not stressing like this.