My own mother drives me nuts!! 😑

Don’t get me wrong I love my mom yes but she is something else....and she’s been so manipulative all my life!!! My parents got divorced when I was 10 and I moved with my mom to WA and my dad stayed behind in NJ anyways...tell me how am I supposed to feel when my own mother always calls me names and puts me down on a daily basis?? Like I have learned to stay quiet and not talk back because that never got me anywhere....even when I decided what I wanted to do she wasn’t happy nothing I ever do pleases her it’s sooooo fucking annoying. But here I am still trying to be a good daughter and I have always lived with my mom. I had planned to move out when I turned 22 but that changed when I got pregnant with my son and she has been a lot of help and we still live with her but even now she still does the same things like it drives me nuts and I want to move out I’m 24 now with a 2 year old. I feel like I need to be away from her for a while because she has become such a toxic and negative person I can’t even have a decent conversation with her without her always arguing with me and starting stuff. What drives me more nuts is that I always clean the house, do laundry all the chores and she always complains and says I never do anything it’s really annoying. Even with my relationship now she basically never even liked my boyfriend...I had gotten a divorce from my sons father it never worked out and he was abusive so I left and filed for a divorce. She also always acts a certain way when she wants something like she will act all sweet then boom she will give attitude and be rude like she’s bipolar or something and she’s not. Idk I feel like the only solution is to move out I can’t live peacefully with her always fighting and arguing with me sometimes I don’t say a word to her. 😑😑😑