I don’t know what to think 😩


On December 13th I was in a car accident. October 21st was my last period (abnormal periods. No period in November. December 24th I got a positive test. So I was thinking I was 8 or 9 weeks. I spotted for 3 days (only when wiped mostly dark brown) December 21, 22 and 23rd do I went to the hospital after finding out I was pregnant due to the bleeding and accident. They checked my HGC levels and it was 1,000 and the sac from the ultrasound measures less than 5 weeks. The ER doctor said I was having a threatened abortion. I believe that I just ovulated in November even tho I didn’t have a period. So I think that I am just 4 weeks or so.. the spotting was implantation on the 21st,22 and 23 which was when my period was due... what do you guys think? I get my levels checked again tomorrow and I’ll find out Monday whether or not I had a miscarriage. I wanna be positive and say I truly am only 4 weeks. The Er doctor just wasn’t listening.