Dumbass bf

No my "bf" Happens to be the biggest dumbass of all time. I(14)

was at my cousins house and she wanted to go on omegle to roast old dudes being pervs and we were doing that and just that until we found a girl masturbating.. I thought it would be funny(which I later found out it wasn't) to send a snap to it to my "bf"... I fell asleep at around 1230 am and it's now 5:02 am here.. And I got this huuuuuuge paragraph ab how he thought I was giving up on him and how he went on omegle and this girl(18) wanted to send him(14) nudes and I said no blah blah blah buttttttt in that paragraph he said one girl asked if he wanted to see her naked and he said yes.. And then other girls asked him the same thing and he kept saying yes... I'm his "apology" He kept apologizing and saying how he was crying and HOW HE DIDN'T WANNA TELL ME AND ONLY DID BC IT WOULD'VE EATEN HIM ALIVE... I like giving chances.. That explains why we got back together do many times... I'm a reasonable person.. I have morals.. He told me not to tell anyone but rn all I wanna do is screen shot this shit and post it everywhere... And this isn't the first run-in I've had with him... He used to flirt with other girls.. SPECIFICALLY MY VOLLEYBALL TEAM.. And more importantly one of my close friends... And my best friends have been doing research on his actions lately and when he sees my "close friend" All he does is try to impress her... Idk wtf to do rn... I'm trying to keep my sanity. But it's leaving real fucking fast...