How safe am I right now?

Jessica • Wife 💍• Girl Mom x2 💕

I’m 11w1d today, we saw a strong heartbeat at 8w6d of 170 and found out at 10 weeks through genetic testing that we are expecting a healthy baby girl. I’m worried though because my symptoms disappeared at about 9.5 weeks, nausea, sore breasts, everything, and all day yesterday I began having mild abdominal cramping/lower back pain. In the middle of the night I woke up with the WORST stomach ache of my life, and terrible pain in my kidney area. This morning the stomach ache is gone but the back pain (kidney area) is still there. No bleeding but I’m scared because we had an early MC in September and I remember my kidney area hurting and thinking I had a kidney infection. I have read that my chances of MC at this point are about 2% but I’m still so worried. Just looking for piece of mind until I can call my OB tomorrow. Thanks so much for reading, sorry so long!