SIL hates me for no reason?!?


Let me start with the fact first. I've been dating my bf for around 2 years. We've been living together that whole time. His dad died and we live in his dads old house.

All of his family loves me, except his sister, who is only a year younger than me and is his only sibling

Every reason she uses as to why she hates me, is an assumption on her part and I've explained this to her.

For example; she only lives in the house with us 2 months out of the year, my bf asked her and her then bf to smoke outside or in their cars and to pay rent. I had no say in it. It was HIS decision, but she blames me.

She says it's my fault her and her brother dont spend as much time together, but I always specifically brought up including her and her bf in our plans, but HE would always brush it off because he worked so much, he just wanted to relax on his time off.

Shes told my bf that she just gets a negative energy from me and idk what to do about it. I've done everything to try to get her to like me.

I've gotten her a birthday gift that I KNEW she would like and made sure to wish her a happy birthday. I always offered her clothes given to me that were too small that I thought she would like, because shes smaller than me.

When her ex was being a jerk and she was going through a break up, I brought her out for milkshakes and soda and arcade games.

I invited them to double dates that they turned down.

I constantly cleaned up after her during the couple months she lived with us. She would leave her underwear on the floor and our dog would eat it and almost die trying to pass it, but she would still keep doing it and I STILL kept cleaning up after her.

I cleaned up the house when I moved in. It used to literally be a frat house because my bf was a party guy. I wanted it to look nice because it used to be his dads pride and joy.

I helped get my bf to stop drinking and doing drugs. I didnt make him, but I encouraged him to.

2 months ago, my boyfriend got drunk at a managers meeting, went to the nearest bar, and cheated on me with one of the women there.

It's not like him and that's no excuse, but we are working things out and he is proving to be changing. He is very understanding of the issues I have now because of that and hes making things right, but after all I went through, his sister got mad at ME when he cheated, for things that i didnt even do. Hes tried to sit her down and explain that none of this was my fault and how she has no reason to hate me, but it doesnt work. He told her if she didnt start respecting me, since I'm a huge part of his life, then she doesnt need to be in his life and she didnt even care, but I dont want them to not have a relationship. I just want to have a relationship with her too 😣

Will update with messages shes sent to bf later.

Any advice? I'm trying so hard. Losing sleep over this shit.