Looking for cycle buddy!!!


Hi! My cycle this month has been weird while rest have been normal, but one app says my fertile window was 17 to 23rd of December ovulating 22nd and another was 14th to 20th ovulating 19th. One app says I’m due for Aunt Flo the 1st of January, another the 4th. My average cycle has been 31 days but can range down to 28 every now and then. My last period was the 4th of December. But most regular it’s every been!

TTC #1. Have had one miscarriage. Using OPKs but gonna try to add BBT, though I move a lot and my sleep cycle isn’t consistent enough. Not using any forms of assistance yet due to age and doctor doesn’t want to yet. Infertility, endo, fibroids, and miscarriages run in my family.

I’m 22 almost 23.

I’d love a cycle buddy. Hoping I don’t get Aunt Flo this month though but sadly seems I will.

Ignore the bottom photo it’s messed up. It started the 4th but the ovulation date stayed the same. It now predicts my next period is the 4th of January