Help.... BBT & OPKs

Cinthia • Toddler mama 👧🏼👧🏽 Expecting #3 in January 2023

So here are the facts

On Friday December 7 I was crappy. My BBT had dropped a bit. That night I peed on a clearblue digital advanced OPK and a Walmart cheap one and it was negative. On Saturday December 8 my BBT spiked. I only had back pain and the OPK was peak in the morning and afternoon. Sunday December 8 I still had back pain (which I had for over a week afterwards) and the OPK came out peak in the morning but negative in the afternoon. So we BD that morning.

On Friday December 21st I started spotting which I was hoping it was implantation bleeding but it turned out to be AF.

I believe that I ovulated Friday December 7th but I don’t understand why the OPK stayed peak until Sunday afternoon.

I need help. Like serious help haha

When did I ovulate?

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