My husband and I are at a stand still

Im sure I’m in the wrong. I seem to always be wrong but my husband made the comment last night that his couple weeks off work have made him realize he wants a career change which should be perfect because I’m ready for a change in.... everything. We have both lived in Kansas our whole lives and honestly my childhood was absolute shit. My mom was a super abusive drug addict and my dad was there more but at 13 pushed me off on my grandparents and is now remarried and his new family is everything to him. I’m only close to my grandparents. I want to move to a new state. My husband even back when we were dating knew I did NOT want to stay in Kansas. He isn’t close to his family either. They fight ALL THE TIME. Well I mentioned we should move somewhere else. Like I suggested Georgia because it’s warm pretty much all the time. Now my husband is pissed off that I’m wanting to leave Kansas. I just don’t get it! It’s not as if I haven’t made it clear I don’t want to stay here! What’s everyone’s opinions? Does my husband have the right be mad I want to move or am I wrong for wanting to move?