In need of advice

So I have been with my BF for almost 4 years we are both 20 I slowing started to move with him at his parents house. Some of my clothes is at my dad but most at my BF house. We sleep in a small ass room and I thought that he would open his eyes now that I’m pregnant 20weeks but nothing!!! Today I was cleaning and he said “where are we putting the babies clothes” and I said “everything is going to stay at my dads house until you find a place for us if not I’m moving back with my dad” he said “so the baby can never stay here” I said “no there is not room here for him plus you have two dogs that sleep in your room”. I can’t stop thinking about how he really doesn’t care that I’m leaving with his child. His step mom is pregnant has a c-section tomorrow and they have 2 other little kids. It’s a 3 bedroom house smallest room is where we sleep, other room his grandparents sleep and the master bedroom is where his dad, stepmom and two little brothers sleep. Am I wrong for the way I talk to him? Am I wrong for wanting to leaving and have space?