Should I confront her

My friend started dating my ex that was my first love- while I was dating him she always tried to make a move even though she knew it made me uncomfortable. I’m very insecure and she is gorgeous so i always felt like a little jealous I never wanted to lose him. He told me all his secrets and he was extremely depressed to the point where he tried to kill himself. He repeatedly told me that I was one of the only reasons he was still here. Once I even saved him from trying to drown himself. And I really loved and cared for him and I thought he did so too. We dated for over a year and before that we were BEST FRIENDS. He knew all my flaws and I knew his. We would talk about wholesome things he wasn’t like other guys who only cared about ass and boobs. But when we broke up he couldn’t even look at me he ignored me so much, we went to school and if I was in the room he couldn’t be in it. I never knew or know why. I feel like if he actually cared for me we could still be friends. So, this year apparently he got “hot” and now he is “cool” and he is acting out smoking, fighting and more. my friend the one I was talking about in the beginning (let’s call her ava) decided to “hook up” with him a day after he broke up with one of her friends. they always make out and text dirty stuff- they are always sexting. Once she decided to ask about me and why he isn’t cool with me anymore and he straight up talked shit and she said okay- I talked to her about it but it seemed to go in one ear out the other and Ava didn’t listen. I think he is using her for nudes and stuff because many guys have seen her naked (we are in middle school wayyyy underage) but he always shows little signs of still being into me idk. One night after her made out with some chic (before he was dating Ava) a group of his friends straight up told me that he was probably thinking about me while making out with them.


I like this guy- let’s call him james. I like him so Ava decided to set up a double date, me, James, my ex, and her. She asked and he straight up said [my name] is dating James??? And she said no and he was like “good”. Afterwards he said he needed to tell her something that she would be mad about and asked if she was alone. Then, she said she was with me and he was like oh I’ll tell you later. Wtf