Starting to think I might be a psychic....

Before y’all think I’m crazy let me explain....

I believe I might be some what of a psychic. Not like That’s So Raven psychic but,I feel like I have a spiritual connection. I started noticed these things in high school. For example I went to school with a girl who was in my grade. I had no connection with her besides being mutual friends on Facebook. Besides that she didn’t mention anything or we didn’t talk. I had a feeling she was pregnant and sure enough 2 weeks later she was pregnant. I found that super strange. Well, fast forward to a couple of years later I had an old high school friend that was pregnant. She was due sometime in December. I had an odd feeling that this friend (who again I’ve had no connection with since after high school) was going to have her baby that day. And later that night she posted a picture of her new born baby. She didn’t post anything on Facebook about her going into labor. The other day on Christmas, me and my hubby was traveling to my in laws for Christmas breakfast and I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. I told my husband to pray and that I feel like we shouldn’t go any further. I figured it might have just been my anxiety or something but 20 mins later our back tire blew. And thank god we were okay! But it was that feeling. Another thing is, we have a new person hired at my job. And I was training her. She told me she loved this job and she thinks she’ll work out. But for some reason I just felt like she was going to quit. I told my close coworkers and said I just have a feeling she’ll quit. 2 days later, the lady quit. My coworker was like “how did you know?!” Like she was so shocked. Ever since then I’ve been like shocked myself because I feel like I have some kind of connection with people that I can’t explain. Like I can see into the future but not really see? I’ve also been getting this gut feeling that I’ll end up pregnant soon. Ive never had this feeling and I’m %100 sure it’s going to happen.

Am I crazy?! Or has anyone else had this happen before? I can’t wrap my head around it because I’m shocking myself lol....