6 months of ttc

Tami • Just married 💕💍 Hoping to start a family soon 👼🏻

My husband and I have been ttc for 6 months and yea it might not seem long but I feel like for a minute we started getting discouraged and I feel as though he started to give up. He told me that maybe we should just wait and if it happens it happens which was upsetting seeing as he wasn’t wanting a kid as much as I was anymore at the moment. A few days ago I was telling him about a funny post of this lady and how you’re suppose to put your legs up after sex to help with chances of conceiving and now the past few times we have had sex afterwards he yells to me “put those legs up women” 😂😂😂 maybe this coming month will be our turn for a baby 🤞🏻🤞🏻💕