My amazing labour


My pregnancy and labour was a dream and I would love to redo the whole thing! I was 19 when I got pregnant and gave birth to my son. I had an easy pregnancy all the way through with a few cravings here and there. Baby was growing well and I carried well.

The second picture is my belly the day I went into labour.

My due date was the 09/17/2017 but I didn’t have him until the 09/21/2017. I went to the hospital on the 09/20/2017 with pains and thinking I was in labour but when I got there they said I wasn’t ready yet and was only 1cm dilated so they sent me home with morphine, Co-Codamol and a stretch and sweep. I was fine for the rest of the day until around 19:00, my partner was out so I was home alone eating a jam donut. I started to feel really sick and ran out my backdoor to throw up. I started getting bad pain again and called my partner to come home. We tried to go to bed but the pain was really intense so we called the hospital to see if I should come in them at was around 21:30. I got the the hospital and was seen by the first midwife I ever met which is so strange as she was working at a different hospital when I first met her! She examined me quickly to find I was 5cm dilated and she broke my back waters, turns out my front waters broke at home during the drama. She put me on gas and air for the pain at 23:30, she had to give me a sickness injection before hand as I kept feeling really sick and the gas and air can sometimes make you sick too. My labour progressed quickly and well I had the same midwife the whole way through and gave birth to my beautiful son at 2:26 on the 09/21/2017 weighing 7.1

I feel so blessed to of had such a easy pregnancy and labour and wish this upon everyone. Nearly everyone I speak to takes a disliking to my story because I did have such an easy time but I honestly feel it was so easy because I try really hard not to worry or think about much and I kind of just sailed through. So please be happy and positive in your pregnancies and through labour just embrace the pain!

This is my little prince now 15 months old

Thanks for reading lots of love x