My labour was nothing as I expected it to be

My labour was nothing as I expected it to be. I would say I had done almost all I can to have the so called easy or fast labour. And I did have one but an assisted one. The complications actually started after labour. The healing process was physically and mentally painful. I totally neglected to prepare myself for it. I know, no matter how much ever you prepare, things are going to happen in it's own way. But trust me, educating yourself about the possibilities of what could happen saves you from being totally upset when something bad or unusual happens. Since I did all my research on the possible risks and interventions during labour, I didn't get much upset about the labour process even though I had an induced labour and a vacuum delivery along with an epidural in the last moment, all of which were totally unplanned. But I had not researched much about the afterbirth experiences and I found myself being in so much pain mentally and physically afterbirth. So my advise would be educate yourself about everything that could happen possibly, and be prepared for anything that could happen and have a positive mindset.