Advice Needed

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

Based on my LMP, I'm almost 5 weeks along. I have been extremely exhausted and nauseous. To add to this, I have a 20 month old who is very active. He loves jumping on me and constantly wants to wrestle. He also has been very needy and has a meltdown whenever my husband steps in to try and give me a break (whether it's bath time, bedtime, or playing). I'm at a loss of what I should do. I can't play with him like I used to, but I don't want to stick him in front of the TV for hours on the weekend (he has daycare during the week while my husband and I are at work). Anyone have suggestions on how they have dealt with the first trimester symptoms and an active toddler?

Photo below was taken last week (my son is in the red Santa pjs). We were visiting family on the West Coast--we don't live near any family due to being stationed on the East Coast for the past 2 years