Depressed with anxiety mixed emotions seeking advice

I’m 5 month pregnant and been having trouble with my partner, we have one child together already going on my second one and I feel he never wants to be around I’m alone all the time with my first born he barely texts me or even calls me I have to be chasing him it was never like this. After I got pregnant I start feeling all of this anxiety and not want to go out or do anything especially cause I’m pregnant I feel super lonely 😔 and makes me wanna cry most of the time. I talk to my parents but it’s not the same I wish I’d have a husband boyfriend /friend to talk to about how I’m feeling he seems to ignore everything I feel like he’s not into me or i don’t know if im just crazy talking he has nothing on social media nor phone Iv had access to it all and doesn’t talk to other women but still what could it be he leaves front he house 9 am won’t come back til 10pm and when he gets home will be on his phone till he falls asleep won’t even ask about my day 😢😔 I’m tired of feeling sad and depressed I only have 4 months to go and he doesn’t even know when the baby is due hasn’t bother to ask and he did want a baby in the first place.