Just found something out that broke my heart.

My SO was working for a tree company around the time I had a miscarriage. Him and his boss never got along he was very inappropriate said nasty things about women. I ended up needing a DnC and my SO asked for 2 days off so he can just be there with me. At the time he never told me what happened he just come home with a black eye and said he has 2 weeks off but last night one of his friends he worked with come over for dinner and he told me what really happened. I was told by my So that he got the black eye because a tree branch broke and came back and hit him on the face. But come to find out him and his boss got into a really bad fight because when he asked his boss said just because your slut girlfriend killed her baby doesn't mean you need days off. I guess my so ended up beating the shit out of his boss. He isn't violent at all but he said he just snapped. he lied to me because he new how much that would have heart me if he told me the truth. I'm not mad at him I'm just sad that someone can be so nasty like that. I still don't know how to feel about it. It just hurts because I loved my baby and would have done anything to keep him or her.