Could it be ???😯

C.G.M • Wife & Momma bear!

My bf and I we been together for 2 years in February is gonna be 3 years for us 😍 we have a little girl she's 1 💗 and well in our previous conversations about " marriage " he says he doesn't believe in it then he says some day we will get married welll...... last night we where talking and joking around like always .... I tell him babe give me your hand he's response is " you're asking me to marry you " 😻🤗 I tell him do you want to get marry and he says " yes babe " really serious then he says I don't want a fancy wedding I want something simple with family ,im over here surprised because it's the first time he's said that to me 💗💗

Does it mean he's ready for marriage ???