

Ok I take a prenatal vitamin. I have for 3 years since I got pregnant with my now 2yr old. Because of my husband's job we recieve a full blood panel each year and it showed my calcium, vit D, and iron were low but still within normal range, that was 3 months ago. So now I am pregnant and my doc wants me taking my prenatal still PLUS: Citrical that has calcium and vitamin D AND a children's multivitamin with iron added. This adds up to 5 pills a day because 2 are 2 pills per day. I definitely want to be sure I have plenty of vitamins and such to have a healthy baby but it just seems a bit extreme. Plus when already dealing with all day morning sickness and constipation more pills sounds awful. Anyway, thnks for letting me vent. Now I have to go buy these other pills....Happy New Year everyone!