Should I??


I really, really need to come out some one, some one in particular. It’s my dad. I haven’t come out to any one in my personal life about me being a little, and I need to. I don’t think of it as a kink because 1: I’m not interested in the sexual part of it so cg/l instead of dd/lg/g, 2: I go into little mode.... unintentionally? For lack of better word. So like, I just need to tell him because Im in desperate need of little stuff, like pacies, sippies, diapers (because I have pee problems sometimes), and other stuff. And I need someone to understand and comfort me when I go into little mode, so I don’t have to hide it. Do you think this would be to weird or should I go for it? Btw I’m in little mode while writing this and trying to be big to write it so sorry if it doesn’t make a lot of sense.