Does he like me or not?

Ok so it all started freshman year my best friend got partnered up with a guy. The first time I saw him I thought he was cute about a week later my best friend tells me he likes me. Days,weeks, and months passed and nothing happened between us. I would however notice him looking at me constantly. I like the guy this year now that I am a sophomore we have classes together and we recently have been texting a lot we even stayed up until like 3 am talking. He constantly flirts with me in text and always tries to talk with me. I know he likes me because he would tell my best friend reasons why he liked me. However, he doesn't ever text me like I always have to be the first one to text him and at times he leaves me on seen and never bothers to reply. Also, last year I caught him checking me out when his girlfriend was right next to him. Now he's single we both are and we like each other I'm not sure if I should get myself involved. I feel stupid waiting for a reply out of him or for him to be the first to text me. I don't know whether he truly likes me and wants to start a real relationship with me or if it's just a crush he has that he'll get over eventually.