how do i get my crush to notice me?

okay so i’m in 8th grade and my crush is in 9th grade, i always saw him with his friends before class but i can’t say anything to him cause i don’t wanna be weird. i followed him on instagram and liked some of his posts (cause i didn’t wanna come off stalker-ish lol) but he wont follow me back, i saw him all the time last year as i said before, and i’m POSITIVE hes seen me before. we were like 7 meters away from each other! i’m too scared to dm him on ig i feel like there’s no valid reason too. sometimes i’m the first person to like his posts so he would’ve 100% seen that i’ve liked his post. and it’s not like no one know who i am SOME OF HIS FRIENDS FOLLOW ME ☹️ it’s not fair