2019 WE ARE READY FOR YOU!! I’m obsessed with how our pictures came out!


April 2018 we were told <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> was our only option and was referred to a specialist, Memorial day weekend while on vacation wasn’t feeling 100% decided to test thinking I was just wasting my time and will have yet another disappointing negative BUT GOD!!! within seconds we got TWO lines! After a early MC, 2 ectopics losing a tube and being told my left tube was completely blocked all within a little over a year, I lost allll hope, but in the mist on the pain god had his own timing! We’re blessed to be welcoming yet another little girl in early February. My family enter 2019 with such happiness and continue faith because god has the final say. I pray you ladies have a BEAUTIFUL 2019 filled with positive pregnancy test, healthy pregnancies and smooth deliveries!! 💕