39 weeks


So many emotions.

My husband is having a little anxiety. Not about being a papa, but about the whole “not being able to control” labor/delivery. Calls me a ticking time bomb. 😂 To be fair, I am!

Last night, we were chatting about when we met... 10’years ago. Things we used to do, things that have happened since, etc, and I just started tearing up. A life behind us at thus point. Why I cried? I don’t know. 😞

She kicked me HARD all night long last night. To the point I was almost convinced she was going to break my water herself! Is that a thing? I’m exhausted today. And then I think... if I’m exhausted after one bad night, what’s YEARS of no sleep??? 😑😩😳

I’m excited about meeting our baby. I’m anxious about the start of labor. Will it happen in the middle of the night? Will it happen after coffee tomorrow? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I hope she comes on time rather than late. I’m uncomfortable and tired of the waddle.