Frustrated and Alone

SOs work is nuts. He got hired as an assistant manager at a company in July and they contracted him at 55 hours a week with salary. Originally he was put at the location less than 5 miles from our apartment, but before his start date they put him at the location 40 minutes away. Then a few weeks later put him 50 minutes away, then yesterday moved him to a location an hour and fifty minutes away. Now he has to work 11 hour days plus three hour drive times. Thats a half a tank a day (I live in houston, big frickin city) with no pay bump or gas stipend. Did I also mention he will have to do this for 10 days straight because the GM is going on vacation, and then they might move him again?

The whole reason he took this job (he took a step down from being a GM) was to be less stressed and have gauranteed two days off a week; which was the deal at hiring. Now six months in it