Advice pls

Nicole • 👨🏼‍💻👩🏼‍🎨 Wife. Mommy 👦🏼👼🏻 TTC our 🌈

So I’m really confused. Today I went in for a quick blood pressure check at my OB’s office since last time it was a little elevated.

I am only 6w3d so haven’t had an official pregnancy confirmation appt yet.

But the nurse mentioned that my Dr wasn’t happy with my hcg results from 2 weeks ago. I had them done at 4weeks 48hrs apart and they had gone from 300 to 855.

She kept saying that my hcg level says I’m more like 5 weeks not 6-7weeks based off my last period.

I don’t know why she is saying this since based on every chart I’ve seen for 4 weeks along, my levels were normal? She had me do one more blood draw today and will know those results tomorrow.

I honestly think she was confused about the date I had the blood tests done and thinks they were more recent than they are.

Idk but I went from being over the moon with excitement that things seem to be going well to dread that I will lose this baby too.