Flying...kinda nervous!

Arielle • Mom to an angel, Quinn Jordan 💗 (11.29.14) and Bennett Ace 💙 (8.2.19)

I’m 8w5d and my daughter and I fly out this evening to Arizona. First of all, I’m nervous enough to be flying with a 4yo (her first flight), all alone. Second, I’m worried about being so far from home in case something happens. I’ve had an ultrasound and things were good, saw the strong heartbeat etc so that eases some anxiety but they told me I have two subchorionic hemorrhages so there’s a greater chance of bleeding. I haven’t had any bleeding at all which is good but still makes my anxiety rise! Doesn’t help I’m not taking my anxiety meds anymore! 🤦🏼‍♀️...

Positive vibes...positive vibes!! 🤞🏻