
Kali • Boy/Girl IVF twins arrived 12/02/22, baby 1 👼 , 33 years old

Last cycle, I went in for an ultrasound on CD 12 to see if Femara has worked (first cycle on it). They noticed there are 2 endometreoas in each ovary, the biggest one was 2cm so it’s not needed to have them surgically removed. I do have endometriosis and a lap in May 2018 so I was surprised it came back so fast. I didn’t trigger, just timed intercourse. But I’m not even sure I really ovulated, even with a positive opk. The dr said that she didn’t see any mature follicles in the ultrasound. 😔

So this next cycle, if I don’t get pregnant this cycle 🤞🏻, the dr wants me to have an ultrasound in CD 2, 5mg Femara 3-7, follistim in cd 9, then another ultrasound on cd 12 with the trigger.

I’d like to hear about your experience with Follistim, or if you have a similar experience. Really just looking for support.