Dilation and labor

What number of dilation would be considered “too late” to get the epidural?

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I was 4cm when I was induced. Got my epidural at 7cm


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When I asked for one, they checked and told me I was 9cm. I changed my mind at that point, but they still offered it. It must depend on the hospital, you could ask them.


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It honestly depends on the hospital your at. Some will do it at 9 cm, depending on how fast you’re increasing. Most won’t go past 7 cm. But, all in all if you plan on getting the epidural go as long as you can without it and then get it, in my opinion. I’ve heard enough horror stories, lol. You don’t want the chance of it not kicking in enough or it wearing off before birth.


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I got mine at 8 with my first baby.


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At the hospital I delivered at, and one closer to me that my friend delivered at, they will not administer an epidural if you’re 7cm or more dilated.


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I think it would be too late if you dilate quicker than a centimeter every 30 minutes.


Ariana • Jan 4, 2019
I was walking around at 5 for two weeks. Got the epidural at 8 cm


Kristen • Jan 4, 2019
You'll be okay! I was at a 4 before I got induced and I got the epidural ☺


Cora • Jan 4, 2019
You most likely can get one. I’d say if the baby was very much on its way of being born and coming down the birth canal then it would be too late. But that really only happens in a really quick labor


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I still got mine at 9 with my first baby.


Briana • Jan 4, 2019
I went from 4 to 9 just in the time it took for them to admit me and get the is in etc. I cried when they said I was 9 thinking I wouldn't get my epidural. In hindsight I probably would have had the baby within like 15 mins but the epidural slowed things right down and it took me another 2 hours to get from 9 to 10


Posted at
I was dilating quick with my second. I got the epidural at about 6cm but it didn't kick in fully until after I had my daughter. I'm afraid with my third I won't have time to get it. But I let the nurses know that when I was able to get it I wanted it lol


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I was still offered the epidural at a 9 x