32 month trying and 6th IUI is the charm 💕

Tara • 32• Married • Almost 3 years TTC • 6 IUIs • Roman James , July 7, 2019 💙 Baby #2 due May 2023 💚 through IVF 💉

Announced on social media last night!!! Was super nervous since we’ve found out because we have been trying for 32 months (almost 3 years) and had 2 very early losses!!!

I also have 3 autoimmune disorders and this baby is the result of our 6th and final <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> before we were planning on pursuing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

Saw this little bean again yesterday at the maternal fetal medicine specialist and it was moving around and looked happy and great so we decided it was time to let the world in on our little secret 🥰🤗😍

Coming July 2019!