Possible chemical


I was so excited, this would have been a September baby as well. My first response tests have basically gone negative in a day?

I’m not sure what’s going on because I’m 3 days late for my period and I haven’t bled at all yet? Not one spot of blood and I’ve checked my cervix everyday?

Does anyone have any experience with this? I’ve only been trying for 4 months and this is my first.

This is where I’m “meant to be” I had my last period on the 7th of December 2018. I’ve had a blood test at my doctors yesterday to confirm if it was an actual pregnancy or not, I find out in a few days.

These are my previous tests from this week.

The bottom test is yesterday morning.

These tests below are last night and this morning, basically both negative, maybe you can see a tiny line if you really really squint.