Weight worries


My little boy Chase will be 2 1/2 years old by the end of this month and he had a development review in December. We was told he is very much over weight. I told her what he eats and that he might have 1 or 2 snacks a day (he loves apricots). She said what he eats is fine but to cut down on carbs so now instead of bread for lunch I give him scrambled egg instead. So far he has put on more weight :/ ..really hoping it's because of Christmas and I weighed him not long after lunch 😂😂

Any advice? What's your little ones weight? Just weighed him and he is 38lbs 🙈🙈🙈

He is also on the 25th percentile for height and was told he should have a growth spurt soon! So that's another thing.

Photo for cuteness: Chase with his brother and sister