Could he be thinking about cheating?

Back then, my husband would tell me that he doesnt care if he has pimples or scars on his face, or if hes losing teeth, cause they wont last forever, and everyones gonna die. He also said that he doesnt need to dress nice cause he has me already. He said if he dresses nice, hed get all the womens attention. Hed brag about how it was easy for him to pick up women, just by dressing nice. He also said he hates working out.

Right now, hes talking about doing lasers to get rid of his pimple scars, and to make his face look a bit brighter. He also began talking about excerising and working out. He told me he doesnt want high blood pressure. Idk, i just have a feeling hes doing all this for another woman.

Especially with how hes so secretive w his phone, money, and email, when he wasnt before. Hes always alone in our room, touching his phone, while everyone is in the living room. And he always stays up very late, touching his phone still. He wasnt like this before.