This app makes me feel so lonely 🙃🔫

Most people on here are talking about TTC, their husbands and marriage etc and all these cute stories.. meanwhile I’m 22 and have never felt anything like this. I talk to a lot of guys because admittedly even though it’s pathetic I’m desperate for love and to be loved, but I never make genuine connections and when I do and find someone I really like, it never lasts. Sometimes I wonder if the way I was raised is going to make me be single forever.

Seems like all guys like the nice, innocent, sweet girl that laughs at dad jokes. That’s just not me... I wish it was but it’s not. I’ve tried changing myself to this but it’s just not happening. Any man I find that seems like a great man to be with for my life (nice, always complimenting me, caring, attractive, good with kids) I end up finding myself wanting other men and don’t want to cheat so I self sabotage.

The men I find myself chasing end up being pieces of shit or having some kind of crisis going on like crazy family, too many kids or never having time for me. It’s so frustrating. Don’t know what to do...