Husband said no divorce

So it has been long coming, and I cannot handled my husbands infidelity. Through our dating, during the first few months or marriage, my pregnancy, and after my baby was born.

A few days ago I decided to get the divorce papers but he refuses to cooperate and divorce me.

He claims to be truly sorry for all that he has done; he vows to do everything in his power to make things right. But I don’t want it anymore. I don’t want to be marry to him anymore. I grew tired of everything. But he is in denial that I don’t want him anymore, and constantly tells me to stop “the madness” because I still want him and love him.

I feel stuck.

And then to top of off, his aunt and mother have gone through the same thing as me but they choose to stay with their husbands, and he is telling me to talk to them so maybe I can learn it’ll be okay, and I’ll get past it.

What do I fucking do?! No one is listening to me!

He knew before we got married that I was not going to tolerate infidelity, and that i would leave once I found out. And here everything comes to light, and i am doing (well in the process of) divorcing him but he refuses to let me go, to stop bothering.

I am at a loss. How much more selfish can he be? How much more damage does he want to cause? What else do I need to do to show him I done?