Empty sac at 6weeks?

Michelle • Ruby 💕

I’m posting this on behalf of my best friend, hoping I can get some more input in addition to what she got on Facebook. Any input would be great!

“I’m 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I went to the ER today for some spotting (the nurse at my OB sent me in, concerned that it could be an ectopic pregnancy). The tech did an ultrasound and saw an empty sac, and she couldn’t see a heartbeat or baby. The ER doctor said that because of that, he’s concerned that I’m miscarrying and to expect bleeding and cramping. I’m suppose to follow up with my OB on Monday, but I was asking the doctor how accurate that scan is this early and also what he thought about my high HCG level (I’m at nearly 58,000 mlU/ml and the chart shows 1,080-56,500 as normal) but he couldn’t tell me anything. Has anyone had an experience like this and if so, could you share the outcome? This is going to be the longest weekend ever 😔 I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but I also don’t want to spend the next two days being depressed for nothing if there’s a chance the scan was just too early.”