||| Moment of clarity |||


This pregnancy is the literal polar opposite of my first.

Biology plays funny tricks on you when you opt-in to grow a tiny human. Had I experienced all these beautiful symptoms with my first go round... I would bet there would not have been a second. Biology.. sneaky little effer...

I have been nauseous since week 5, the worst being week 7. I couldn’t leave the house. Dry heaving.. there’s a fun one... I’ve thrown up enough that my toddler daughter thinks its a game and mimic’s me at the toilet.

I also somehow thought potty training during my first trimester was a fabulous idea… try not gaging cleaning shit out of a toddler potty while nauseated and trying to be proud of your kid for at least getting it in the pot. My acting skills are improving.

As with my first, I’m still great at falling asleep on the toilet and having my husband wake me up. Nosebleeds and only wanting to eat bagels, cream cheese, and chocolate. So there goes my waistline already.

Everyone's pregnancy journey is different. After my first birth, I’ve never respected my body more. Or have been more proud of what my body was truly capable of. It is pretty fricken cool. I guess this is my way of reminding my self and everyone on here that you are allowed to have shit days. you are growing a tiny human who is quite literally sucking some of the life out of you.. if your mascara is running down your face or you have puke in your hair its ok. It does get better.

Hang in ladies.. you / we got this.