What Made Your Ex Realize He Lost a Good Thing ?

Just curious if anyone ever been with someone who shitted in them and later in regretted losing you. Did you use any tactic? Did you you dress a certain way? Ignore them?

I’m asking because I see my ex weekly because we share a child. I was so in love with him but he cheated on me with 15 hookers. I went A-wall on him for like a month. I won’t lie I still missed and loved him but I didn’t deserve that !

He is the type to play prideful and pretend nothing bothers him but even if it sounds like a game, I want him to regret what he has done or losing me and our son and whatever family we built. I want to be able to make him feel like a dumb ass.

Sounds stupid perhaps. But I don’t know. It was so dirty and wrong what he did.