My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 15 months - and had one heartbreaking miscarri...

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 15 months - and had one heartbreaking miscarriage last february. I always had the feeling I was waiting - waiting for my period to end... waiting to ovulate... waiting to see if I was pregnant... and repeat - I must have used about 20 pregnancy tests and I reached a point that I was depressed by them
​What I decided to focus on while waiting was to become more mentally and emotionally and physically healthy, to clear old childhood beliefs about limitations, to practice trust in the universe, and to relax.
This last time I decided no pregnancy tests, and I just waited and prayed. It was a beautiful experience as I knew I was pregnant from my body instead of a test. I just took a confirmation test to show my husband ✨🤴🏻🌟
​This journey begins the moment you start trying. It is surrender and faith and showing up to try again each day.
​Wishing everyone blessings and success and ... what I needed so much... Patience 💕🌅🙏🏻