Questions regarding faith

I've always felt that I was certain and strong in my Christian faith. I started seeing a guy 6 months ago who happens to be pagan. He doesn't do white or black magic, and stays away from quija boards, etc. I started a new job where a lot of people talk about spirituality, and why it makes sense to them. I've never been exposed to new concepts really. So I was curious about what it was all about so I did research yesterday morning. I slept at my boyfriend's house last night like I have been for half a year. He asked me while lying in bed "do you feel that?" I said, "no feel what?!" He said, "the bed shaking" I didn't feel anything. Hes been working 60 hour work weeks so we figured he was just tired. While I was

trying to fall asleep, I heard voices in just my right ear, not just one but a few of different tones and I couldn't make out what was being said but they were loud where it was almost like their mouths were pressed against my ear while speaking (I asked my boyfriend if he was talking and he said yes, I said I love you) but the voices blocked that out, did not hear him at all. Immediately after the voices stopped, I heard a fast wind loudly in that same ear, as if something ran by me quickly. Like the wind you hear outside.

What does this all mean? Does it mean that my faith is lacking? I have questions