So done!

I’m going to make this as short as possible. I have a daughter. She’ll be 8 in March. I unfortunately have 50/50 custody with her father. Every Friday since 2015 she sleeps over his place. She goes over at 4pm and is supposed to be home at 8pm on Saturdays. She’s in second grade and doesn’t get off the bus until 345. By the time I get to his house to drop her off it’s about 410. Since October of last year he’s decided to change his visitation time on his own and start dropping her off at 9pm. I’ve already informed him I’ll be taking him to court to change the schedule. Last night he texted me an hour before he drops her off asking to drop her off this morning. I didn’t respond and normally when I don’t he drops her off. Well instead he decided to make up some story about how she was throwing a fit that she didn’t wanna come home and that he wasn’t going to force her to put her shoes on. My fiancé left at 915 to drive over there to pick her up. He waited 15 mins before texting me saying he was there. I texted my ex told him to send her out. No response. Texted his wife. My fiancé says my daughter ran outside in the dark with no help from her father. Runs towards my fiancé’s truck and runs right back inside. Totally out of the norm for my daughter. My fiancé can see my daughter. Her father and his wife standing in front of the window. She doesn’t come back out so my fiancé comes home. So she walks in this morning at 10. They had the nerve to put red hair dye in her hair. She went over on Tuesday for a few hours for New Years. She was supposed to be home at 8pm. He drops her off an hour late. She was tired for school the next day because her bed time is 8 and she didn’t eat dinner because she was too tired from the night before. Thursday she went over for a few hours. I always wait til she gets inside. As I go to pull away she comes running back out. I ask her what’s wrong. She goes nothing getting the mail. Her lazy stepmother who is home all day makes my seven year old cross the street to get their mail. If I wasn’t there. My daughter wouldn’t have looked both ways to cross the street. I am completely fed up with my ex and the constant lies and bullshit. I’ve spoke with my lawyer. I’m filing a motion to take his over night away. And I even have my daughters therapist on board. She says I should have called the cops but the cops wouldn’t have done anything. Am I over reacting? I was fuming last night. My ex pulls shit like this just about every Saturday because he’s to god damn lazy to drive our daughter home. There are so many stories I could tell you. But last night was the icing on the cake.