Should I feel anything?

So, I started dating this guy around a month ago. We work in the same place and he is very sweet and nice and really cares about me but I haven't felt that "butterflies in the tummy" feeling yet. We've been out in amazing and romantic dates but I don't know, I just feel like I'm not so into him as he is into me, at least not yet.

This is the first time I'm with someone since I broke up for my ex two years ago (we were together 4 years) and with my ex we knew eachother since we were kids and the spark was instantly there.

Is it normal not to feel anything or should I worry if I'm just not into him at all? I mean, personality-wise he is amazing, but it is also my first interracial relationship (he's English and I'm Latin) and I'm quite nervous about it.

It is the first time I have to get to know someone, as all my past relationships have been with people I've known for years, so I don't know what to expect from this. I'm scared I will never find something as special as I had with my ex (we were 15 when we started dating and it was epic)