So nervous, first day of school AGAIN


Uh okay, I don’t really know where else to say this. I start school (college) Tuesday. I’m at a late start and extremely nervous.

In high school, I never really had a social life. I recoiled into myself and was very reserved. I grew up and grew out of that, I’m a lot more easy going but still, there is so many things about me that a lot of people won’t get. I’m a mom first, above everything. I’ve got two beautiful little girls and I talk about them all the time. I tried finding people in my mom group whom attend the same school and no one does so I don’t really know where I will fit in. I’m not really typical, a little on the strange side but I’m artsy (I tell myself lol) Idk.

Not really looking for any particular response. Just need to get this off my chest in a community I know pretty well. Thanks for reading I guess.