Worried I’ll start spotting, then miscarry

Jean • 👼 May 2015 (Ectopic 6 weeks), 🌈 👶 April 2017, 👼 June 2018 (MC 7 weeks), 👼 November 2018 (Chemical), 💕 Expecting #2 September 2019

I’m 5 weeks 6 days pregnant and I lost my last baby at 6 weeks 6 days. My miscarriage started right after my trans-vaginal ultrasound when I saw some brown spotting. 4 days later, after the bleeding continued to increase, I had a complete miscarriage. I have my first ultrasound on Wednesday and I’m terrified that this will happen again. I’m also analyzing everything I’m feeling - the mild cramping, the back pain, and especially the cervix pain. Does anyone else have cervix pain in the first trimester? I’m so anxious and nervous right now. I just need someone to vent to. 😔